SmartThings Air 2.0
IoT-driven Air Quality Monitoring & Managing Service Plugin for Samsung SmartThings
Corporate Design Project
Participated as a UI designer, and this project was operated by cooperation with departments from Samsung Divisions -- CE(Consumer Electronics), IM(IT & Mobile Communications) and CDC(Corporate Design Center--My division)
Working period : Sep. 2019 ~ Jul.2021
Samsung SmartThings Air 2.0 is an IoT-driven service plugin within the SmartThings platform that supports air quality monitoring, conditioning, and managing by comprehensively controlling air purifying devices linked with SmartThings. Connected with Samsung's smart home appliances by IoT connectivity, SmartThings Air allows users to facilitate easy in/outdoor air quality monitoring and intuitive air automation by air quality change. In particular, through this service user can diversly check 12 types of air quality index(PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, TVOC, CO2, eCO2, Gas, and Radon) and spatial indoor temperature and humidity as a form of the comfort zone. Associated with this index data, SmartThings Air's automation is activated upon its atmospheric change and users can customize the air quality sensing threshold in accordance to their home condition. Moreover, in terms of business strategy, SmartThings Air provides the entry point that leads to Samsung Mall of which the certain page is linked with it so that the users seamlessly contact the certain air purifier or air conditioner models that support SmartThings Air without unnecessarily accessing external Samsung Mall.
* Detailed UIs(sequential workflow, wireframe, components definition) and Strategical Planning sections are not disclosed in this portfolio due to being treated as confidential data.
Official Introduction Site:
Official Promotion Video (Youtube):
An article in which SmartThings Air is included:
<Official Promotion Video(Youtube Ver.)>
*To watch this video via youtube, visit
< Actual Usability Video 1>
* Initial Device(Samsung Air Purifier) Onboarding to SmartThings, and starting SmartThings Air Plugin
< Actual Usability Video 2>
*Air monitoring and activating air automation via SmartThings Air
SmartThings Air 2.0
Corporate Design Project
Participated as a UI designer, and this project was operated by cooperation with departments from Samsung Divisions -- CE(Consumer Electronics), IM(IT & Mobile Communications) and CDC(Corporate Design Center--My division)
Working period : Sep. 2019 ~ Jul.2021