Hoon Vince Yoon
Hoon Yoon, aka Vince is a designer who has been experiencing diverse areas of Industrial, Product, UI/UX, and interaction design. From grad school to business field, he has been proceeding projects integrating with emerging technologies like interactive product/artifact/system that combines with augmented interface.
In talking about his significant strength, he has an ability and experiences to distill the practical usability from converging
different fields like finding solutions between industrial design-based ergonomics and UX-based methodology.
For grad thesis, he did a project about how augmented GUI interplays with exterior environments. Based on user-centric
methodology and analysis he designed several types of interface models integrating with physical artifacts, for prototyping how augmented GUI could be permeated into our actual life.
Experienced Area
Industrial Design / Product Design / UI Design / UI Planning / UX Architecture / Interaction Design / Design Methodology-based Strategy
UI Planner & UX Architect, Designfever
Jan.2017 ~ Present - 5month
1. Samsung Interactive Table for Samsung Galaxy S8 New York Unpack 2017, Jan.2017 ~ Apr.2017
* Participated as an UI planner and UX architect for designing the UX structure and wireframe of Samsung Interactive Table
* Designed Hierarchical information tree from a perspective of UX-based methodology(in terms of Information Architecture)
* Designed and proposed the interaction sequences responsive to multitaction’s haptic gestures and objects’(Galaxy S8 and Transparent Acrylic Dial) physical movement on a surface
* Participated making the overall story-contents structure and flow of Samsung Interactive Table
* 3D-modeled and prototyped Transparent Acrylic Dial, which generates graphic interaction on a multitaction surface as an interactive medium
2. Lexus Interactive Installation Project, Apr.2017 ~ Present
* Currently Participates as an UX architect and Interaction Designer for designing the UX structure and wireframe of Lexus Interactive Installation
* Propose several concepts of how interactive installation integrates with Lexus LS
* Plan and design the overall interaction sequence of installation
* Involved in Interaction Development part in the process of designing graphic interaction responsive to physical gesture
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
Master of Industrial Design - MID / Sep.2014 ~ Jun.2016
Grad Thesis: Interplayable Surface
- An exploration on Augmented GUI that coexists with physical environments
Main Thesis Advisor, Graduate Program Director: Andy Law
Adjunct Thesis Advisor: Tim Maly
External Thesis Advisor: Jaemin Cho
The goal of experiment-driven thesis is to envision and design an interactive GUI (graphic user interface) that coexists with physical surfaces. Based on an understanding of user behavioral patterns for accessing information in types of situations, experimentations and prototypes are implemented and tested with participants. Through the process of understanding User-factors for accessing information within situational specificity, thesis suggests several types of speculative user-scenarios for how augmented GUI could be permeated into actual life, combining with UX-centric points.
Interactive Design, HCI, GUI/UX, Augmented Reality, Affordance, Projection Mapping
Korea University / Seoul, South Korea
Bachelor of Fine Art in School of Art & Design - BFA / Mar.2008 ~ Feb.2014
* Majored in Industrial & Information Design
Graduate Project: HXD Project (Healthcare eXperience Design)
Cooperated with Korea University Medical Center (KUMC) / Mar.2013 ~ Oct.2013
Project URL: http://www.creactiveyoon.com/#!graduation-project/c1567
Hoon Yoon, Hyunjae Park, Jaehaeng Cho
Participated in as an Industrial, UX Designer/ Team Manager
Proposed design solutions for elderly customers who are exposed to communicative
problems at KUMC Administration Center
Award Accomplishments
Gold Winner, A Design Award, Apr.2017
"P-GUI Sticker" won the Gold Winner at the concealed category
" Advanced Design & Design Research" of A Design Award
Bronze, SparkAwards, Dec 2014
Category : Concept Design-"Medical Assist Band"
Bronze, Pin Upp Concept Design Awards, Oct 2013
Category : Healthcare Design sponsored by Samsung Electronics-"Pill Clip"
Authentication, Pin Upp Concept Design Awards, Oct 2013
Category : Student concept design
Winner, Reddot Design Award - Concept Design, Aug 2013
Category : Mobility-"Flexi-Bike"
1) http://www.red-dot.sg/en/online-exhibition/concept/?code=915&y=2013&c=3&a=1
2) https://www.creactiveyoon.com/flexi-bike
3) http://www.yankodesign.com/2013/10/17/the-joy-of-biking/
Finalist, International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA), Apr 2013
Category : Student Design-"Pill Clip"
2) https://www.creactiveyoon.com/pill-clip
Grand Prize, GM Korea Student Automotive Challenge 2012, May 2012
Participated in as a graphic & car exterior designer
Financial Aid as scholarship grant, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), March 2014
Got awarded 10,000$ financial aid as scholarship funding from RISD
Seokrim Scholarship, Seokrim Scholarship Committee, Korea University, Sep 2008
Awarded by Seokrim Scholarship Committee, Korea University
Cooperative projects with external organization
Design for Aging, RISD, Spring semester, 2015
Hoon Yoon, Antonio Papania-Davis
Cooperated with local sanatorium Laurelmead, Providence, RI
Project URL: http://www.creactiveyoon.com/#!re-walk/f17qc
Participated the project as an ethnography researcher and a design developer. To develop the
proper artifact to elders in need of flexible maneuvering of walker, we speculatively designed
and proposed the concept of flexible walker that allows them to conveniently stretch its joints
depending on certain situation.
UnCom : Unusual Combination - Interaction Design Project, Korea University, 2013
Hoon Yoon
Cooperated with Advanced-Design Team of Samsung Electronics/ Apr.2013 ~ Jul.2013
Participated in as Interaction Designer
Project URL: http://www.creactiveyoon.com/#!see-through-lips/c17w7
Created an interactive installation based on Arduino Kits
Photoshop / Illustrator / After Effect / Processing(Visual Interaction) / Arduino(Physical
Interaction) / Rhino 3D / 3D MAX / Adobe Experience Design(XD) / UI/UX Workflow (User
Research / Information Architecture / Wireframe / Interaction / Prototyping)
Military Service
Honorably discharged as an Army Sergeant of Republic of Korea Army / Goheung, South Korea / Feb.2009 ~ Dec.2010
Signal Corpsman in 31 infantry division