Samsung OneWeek Program for facilitating Hmong-Tribe Craftwoman's Sales Managing in Thailand
Connect the dots in mutual understanding with Hmong tribe’s craftwoman
-A week of journey at Hackaton Project of Samsung OneWeek in Thailand
Universal Design Project
Samsung Oneweek Hackaton 2019 sponsored by Samsung Electronics, UNESCO, A Better World(NGO)
Working period : Aug. 2019
In many aspects of our lives, we experience thousands of events or any kinds of objects and interact with them in explicit ways or intuitive ways. Whenever we communicate with them, in order for ourselves to vigilantly understand or experience what we encounter with, sometimes we have a tendency of touching the surface of it rather than just seeing it. Through the action of touch, we do not only gain the physical attribute of what we are interacting with, but also could contextually perceive the fragmentary memories. Initiated from this thought, I attempted to think about the question in this way: what if we can collect and store the sense from that kind of experiences as a long lasting one?
To briefly introduce the overall procedure, it mainly consists of 3 phases: scanning the physical object via adhesive scanner, transfer the collected haptic senses to smart device and digitally archiving them as directory so that it is accessible for the others to share what you experience haptically in real life. Also, in terms of conceptually extending the usability of collected haptic senses(mostly textures user touched via scanner sensor), what user has been scanning could be utilized as a totally new way: It could be physically replicated into a texture of product in a sense of experimentally adapting nature's texture to an industrial realm, in along with allowing users to freely modify the texture, just like Nike ID.
*Relevant Background Technology
-Apple's Touch Screen Surface
-Microfluidics Makes Physical Keys Bubble Up From The Surface of a Touch Screen
-New tech to make physical buttons - Cactus