Transense(Transmit, Transcend the Sense)
Speculative UX Design Project
RISD Fall Semester, 2014
Working period : Sept. 2014
In many aspects of our lives, we experience myriad kinds of objects by touch and interact with them in explicit ways or intuitive ways. For a closer look, we actively capitalize on multiple sensory organs at once when it comes to a thing we intentionally pay attention to, than just seeing it. Particularly in this case, we mostly have a tendency of touching the object with seeing it. And this kind of mixed senses of experience inspires us with extraordinary synaesthetic feeling within our brain, and stays longer in our memory than a simple sense.
Initiated from this thought, I attempted to think about the question in this way: what if we can collect and store the sense from that kind of experiences as a long lasting one?
To briefly introduce the overall procedure, Transense mainly consists of 3 phases: 1)scanning the texture of physical object by adhesive scanner with capturing image 2)transmitting scanned texture to smart device, synthesizing with its visual image 3)After the process, archiving the processed data(a image integrated with texture data) as a form of directory so that it is accessible for the others to share digitally replicated-texture by 3D tactile smartphone. Also, in terms of conceptually extending the usability of collected texture data, I suggested an expanded way of harnessing it to industrial area : for example, the leaf pattern you collected by a scanner could be utilized as a surface texture of product, and could be digitally re-edited like readjusting the density of texture pattern by consumer need from the service platform, just like Nike ID.
*Relevant Background Technology
-Apple's Touch Screen Surface
-Microfluidics Makes Physical Keys Bubble Up From The Surface of a Touch Screen
-New tech to make physical buttons - Cactus